Insatiable Thirst.

Greed, like many things in life, can have a good side and a dark side. It can be a work propeller in the culture and society we live in. Nevertheless, it corrupts our identity. Is the economic benefit worth losing oneself?

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Truth, our Treasure Hunt.

Only came into my mind some words that are told by Phillippe, a French aristocrat that is quadriplegic: “Well, regrettably we must be pragmatic.” These words were told to his caregiver, Driss a young African that do not want to work and only desired to receive the nonworker pension. Pragmatism is the base of Untouchable […]

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Women, the real leaders.

Few leaders, but they are the real heroines of the society. I am talking about women. Only a little percentage of professional women reach the top of their profession. Why? That is the main idea I will develop in this essay. Women through the history are secondary actress, because of the tradition that men is […]

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