We are tired of this huge wave of corruption!

No legacy is so rich as honesty. (William Shakespeare)

 Where is honesty?

We are asking for honesty. We want to tell the politicians that they have to stop stealing from public money. We want honest politicians. We want politicians, who we can trust. We want transparency. We want to end up with this corruption. It is difficult to believe how many corruption cases we have: Gürtel, Pujol, Noós, ERES Andalucia, Barcenas and PP, Major of etc.

We are tired!

People are screaming that we are tired of the corruption. This scream is reflected in the last poll about the direct vote intention for the general elections in 2015, where people tired of corruption of great two political parties: PP and PSOE, and they want to vote the extreme left wind party: PODEMOS. This party in the last European elections had: 1,2 million voters.This is more dangerous than getting out and makes protest against the government. The dangerous thing here is that this new political party is based on the anger that the people has against the actual president and his administration. The advantage that PODEMOS has is that they do not have corruption trajectory it is a newborn party. I’m tired of reading the newspaper and see that the whole newspaper is about corruption, judgments against corrupt politicians.

The economy is going bad, and you steal… great solution.

You help economic development with stealing from public money? No there is any development. The only effect on this area is: underdevelopment.

The government position during years: passive one.

The government had adopted during years a passive position. Is absurd that one corrupt person as Pujol(1,4 million pesetas in Andorra) has to come and said that he was making for years corrupt activities. This is completely ridiculous. The government is looking to another place. The real problem is that politicians think that there is no one that has the power for stopping them from making corruption.

Is  embarrassing that politicians use our money to benefit themselves.

Politicians instead investing for the citizens, use recollected money for themselves. This is a cause of a selfish posture that is settled in our society. Also envy is a posture that had guided politicians to do what they have done. The problem is that is our money, and they have to do things for us, not for their interest. This is the parody of Spanish politics.

What is happening right now?

The government recently wants to finish all this illegal activities, so they are making persecutions again corruption. The problem is that there are more corrupt politicians that they predicted. So the problem is that they are losing the population’s support. The people do not trust anyone. They are angry. They are tired.

Solutions… are difficult.

The problem is that people stopped trusting the actual politicians, and is angry. Their anger is against the traditional parties, because these parties is where the major corrupt people are. The government is trying to put a new fiscal reform and finish at once with corruption. The immediate solution is to vote for a party that has votes based on anger: PODEMOS. We need a law that can end up with corruption. We need a formal Justice Department. We need that the justice does the right thing. And it is working: 1.900 imputed persons, 170 convicted.

The actual economic crisis is an ethical crisis.

If there is no ethic in the society, the people make everything they want. That is happening right now. There is no ethical principle, which is because we think that values are a church invention, but no, is an invention that makes social live possible.

Rajoy! It is too late!

Dear president is to late to do things that you are supposed to be done. You only want to end up with the crisis, but you do not look at your left and right hand, where the corruption was taking place. Now you see that your administration is loosing votes. And you said: “Generalizing corruption helps’ salvapatrias’ brooms ”. You had lost support; the people say that your period is one of the worst presidential periods during the last years. We know that we are better economically talking. But we want to stop corruption.


We need to look for good politicians. We have to start to look for an ethical society. Firs we have to change our mind, to change politician’s mind. As I had said in the whole article: we are tired. As Pedro Sanchéz said: “Not enough to apologize, Mr. Rajoy you have to take responsibility. There are no corrupt parties, but also there are no political parties immune to corruption. Only the people can get corrupted”. We need hope! We need someone we can trust!


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